Author: Taro Toporific
Forum: Tokyo Tech
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:13 pm (GMT 9)
Topic Replies: 0
KDDI's au phones to accept English disaster-time messages
japantoday > technology, Thursday, July 7, 2005 at 07:28 JST
TOKYO --KDDI Corp said Wednesday its disaster-time message transmission services via the au cell phone EZweb email function will accept English messages fr0m July 14....cell phone users to leave messages such as "safe," "sustained damage," and "staying at home" or "staying at a shelter" as well as a short comment ....
I wonder if the network won't crash before the keitai batteries give out. I need a solar-powered "G'zOne TYPE-R", cellphone with an attitude.
what goes around
In a week or so I'll be back in Atlanta for Anime Weekend Atlanta, the
Japanese anime convention I helped start and that has happened every year
(with one ...
2 weeks ago
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