what goes around
In a week or so I'll be back in Atlanta for Anime Weekend Atlanta, the
Japanese anime convention I helped start and that has happened every year
(with one ...
2 weeks ago
"Because Anime Destroys Lives!"
Meh. Batman's better anyway.
Sorry. Superman is my all-time favorite fictional hero and it disgusts me to see him distorted in this way.
Ooooooh, he's taking on g-d as well.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. How many times has Supes died and come back to life? Or gotten married and then he's not married. And there was that Kryptonite thing where they got rid of it, and then they brought it back and said there was only tiny amounts of it. And remember that time they changed his costume for like six months or so? Oh, yeah, remember when Supes had a mullet?
I'll counter some of the outrage I see with respect to this issue with a sentiment -borrowed from someone else- which not doubt would outrage some:
"With Obama as President I'd renounce my U.S. citizenship, too"
Also, think on this:
President Obama's Mother is supposed to have renounced her U.S. citizenship -- lots of fun and games to be hand from googling: "Stanley Ann Dunham renounce U.S. citizenship"
(There's enough spinning going on over all of this that I swear I'm back in 1992 at some f@&$in' warehouse rave...)
But I feel you, Bruce: Superman is an easy target sometimes : /
Thanks, DVC. I'm glad someone understands.
Fuck DC. The real Superman lives forever in the hearts of people like me.
Looks to me like the writer did his job:
Trollbait x Punditry = PUBLICITY.
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