what goes around
In a week or so I'll be back in Atlanta for Anime Weekend Atlanta, the
Japanese anime convention I helped start and that has happened every year
(with one ...
2 weeks ago
"Because Anime Destroys Lives!"
Believe it or not, someone was looking at my CD selection (which currently includes Shonen Knife) and asked, "Whatever happened to Apollo Smile? Got any of her stuff?"
Crud. I knew I should've kept my Apollo Smile CD.
I ran across an Apollo Smile CD at Cheapo a while back and nearly fell over laughing.
Where Is Your God Now?
(gasping for breath, wiping away tears)
Does she file those teeth down or what?
When was Apollo Smile a Power Ranger?
Ha. Crazy. I bought her CD back in the day for like 2 bucks, and ironically just added it to my ipod the other day.
GoofyRobo, you must free up those tracks as mp3z -- teh internetz must be appeased :P
P.S. I hit Cheapo again today -- no Appalling Smile, but there was a Pillows CD...
I can probably get some empeethreez out there for the wanting folks.
It's the Apollo Smile Fanclub!
We need to sample some of that first album and have a re-mix.
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