Toho has the full length trailer (100 sec) for Space Battleship Yamato up. Pluses: scenes of Underground City, Yamato under construction (bottom view), Cosmo Zero launching and in action, other Earth fighters and spacecraft, group shot of Black Tiger pilots, a shot of Mamoru Kodai, several scenes of what appears to be a ground assault of some kind, two or three scenes of Kuroki Meisa (Yuki) looking predictably adorable, and lots of KimuraSMAP with Farrah-perfect hair. Minuses: interminable cock-rock theme song by Steven Tyler (yes, that Steven Tyler ). Downloadable as .flv; worth looking at.
71 days to go. Yamato... hasshin!
what goes around
In a week or so I'll be back in Atlanta for Anime Weekend Atlanta, the
Japanese anime convention I helped start and that has happened every year
(with one ...
4 weeks ago
Like the trailer.
But Tyler? I don't get it, have Japanese audiences got a collective hard-on for Aerosmith?
P.S. More exploding Planet Bombs, please.
It looks pretty good. I'll hold my opinions until I actually get to see the movie.
But watching this trailer makes me want to see a Captain Harlock movie even more.
Captain Harlock? Yes PLEASE!
I'm waiting for the CAPTAIN HARLOCK AND THE QUEEN OF A THOUSAND YEARS live-action movie.
Too late. Carl is dead.
How about they make a Captain Harlock live action movie and Queen Millenia liv e action movie and we edit them together with some other unrelated live action movie? Just for Carl.
And we could get J.J. Smith, the ROBOTECH narrator, to tie it all together with paragraph upon paragraph of exposition!
@ Bruce
I laughed, I cried, I hurled!
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